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Krishen Shamdasani
Oct 24, 20233 min read
Changing your internal dialogue or “The naysayer you can control”
“Oh wait, that’ll never work because...”, “I would do, but...”, “Don’t be silly, if you’d been destined for that, you’d be there by...

Krishen Shamdasani
Aug 17, 20236 min read
Knowing what to spend your time doing or “Don’t stray from the path"
“Oh wow! It’s the middle of June already, where has the year gone?” – “I know, I feel I’ve not really done anything all year and it’s...

Krishen Shamdasani
Jul 21, 20237 min read
Stop doing “Busy work”, focus on high value outcomes (or “Get out of the hamster wheel and move forward)
“Ah, another day over and I’ve done loads, I’m knackered. Hmm... actually, it doesn’t feel like I’m much further forwards though. No...

Krishen Shamdasani
May 8, 20233 min read
Practice makes Permanence (or "being purposeful with your learning")
"Ok Mum, I've done my clarinet practice!” [thinks: Good. That's done, I can go and do something else”]. This is a memory I have from the...

Krishen Shamdasani
Mar 26, 20234 min read
Improving your "meeting time" (or "Influencing your way to beneficial meetings")
Note: This follows on from the post: Review your calendar for improved value (or “Finding low-profit meeting time") Now, taking our...

Krishen Shamdasani
Mar 11, 20236 min read
Review your calendar for improved value (or “Finding low-profit meeting time")
“Oh my, what a waste of my time that was; another hour I won’t get back. Why do we let these meetings use up our time?”, “I know, I...

Krishen Shamdasani
Feb 2, 20234 min read
Working out what you want (or: Set your "I wish that I..." free!)
Without a vision of the future we want at the back of our minds, there is a risk that we drift through periods of our life

Krishen Shamdasani
Jan 16, 20233 min read
Finding more hours (or “The dark art of time manipulation?”)
Changing how we decide to use our time takes some discipline, almost certainly needing us to put some new habits in place.

Krishen Shamdasani
Jan 7, 20235 min read
Thinking about the wider parts of a well known ‘system’ (or “Dare to peek outside of your box…?”)
I recently listened to “Thinking in Systems: A Primer” by Donella Meadows. I chose to listen to it via Scribd (60 day free trial via this...

Krishen Shamdasani
Dec 9, 20222 min read
Showing empathy every day (or "Supporting others through choppy seas")
I watched Simon Sinek’s video “Most Leaders Don't Even Know the Game They're In” and a few specific points struck me...
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